Off we ride
In your turquoise cozy coupe
You hold your little sneakers in the air,
Ready for adventure,
As I push the clownish car down the street.
We stop for fuzzy dogs,
Puffy yippers who cover your hands with licks.
We coax aloof cats, lazing in the sunshine, to come over for a pet,
Keep our eyes peeled for frogs in wet ditches.
You dictate the route.
First we’ll trek down a rocky driveway to visit
The lime green turtle, festooned with a halo of butterflies
(You insist on hugging lawn ornaments).
Next, we visit the plaster little dog and big dog,
Crossing lawlessly over an expansive front lawn,
You gallop to greet sculptures,
Kissing them recklessly, despite my pleas.
You eagerly await puppies decorating mailboxes,
Bunnies waving on flags,
Candy colored eggs hanging from boughs of blossoming cherry tree,
And the porcelain duck whose outfit changes each holiday,
Frilly pink apron and beret for Saint Valentine
Green galoshes and windbreaker for Saint Patrick.
Back in the coupe,
You wave at pansies and moss roses,
Say good morning to fat bumblebees,
Tweet at blue jays and sparrows,
Sniff at blossoming lilacs,
Greeting each delight by name.
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