Thursday, June 30


Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic

Not broken or flawed
Just enraptured with silence
Profound quiet, the flight of thought,
Companionship of books

Or voyage of music,
Staccato dreamscapes,
Classical reverie,
On long drives through sandy dunes and twisting trees,
You conduct symphonies with knowing hands

Your privacy, a necessity
Your love, an unspoken gift

Wednesday, June 29


In pictures: The art of Guantanamo's inmates

Roughly hewn doors with battered lock
Brass samovar atop intricate tapestry
Skeletal trees of eggplant and evergreen
Full moon from a small window
Prison cell, luminous with sunlight

Tuesday, June 28


Madagascar's 'tortoise mafia' on the attack

Whorls striate primeval shell
As if painted by master craftsmen

Prehistoric, they crawl from Indian Ocean
Ambassadors of another existence

Poachers wield machetes and rifles,
Stealing flesh for meat
Spirit for sexual potions

Forsaken tortoise shells litter beaches in Madagascar

Monday, June 27


Miru Kim Confronts Her Fears
Naked woman
Poised atop a roof in Istanbul
Spine curved,
A featherless bird

As we are in dreams,
She descends a staircase of stones
Into darkness

Bare, she perches inside a rusty clock’s machinery,
Folded as paper crane
Elemental as mineral

Exposed, she balances on a subway rail
Feeling cool steel and
Quickening hum of an oncoming train

Sunday, June 26


Year After a Drowning, New York Schools Chief Tightens Rules for Field Trips

She thrashes through my dreams
Bobbing and weaving
Frantically waving small black hands
Riptide drags her tiny body underwater,
As the indifferent sun continues to shine

Saturday, June 25

Stonewall Riots, 1969

A Sense of Euphoria Settles on the West Village

Today's poem was inspired by a passing reference to Stonewall Inn, the tavern where many New Yorkers gathered to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage.  The Stonewall, the scene of a legendary riot in 1969, is considered the birthplace of the Gay Pride Movement.

Young hustlers
Black eyed boys
Beatnik beauties
Tired queens
Down and out 'faggots'

Raided by police
For being 'queer'/beat/lonely/thirsty for company
Belittled, arrested, spat-upon, abused

Until thousands came
Men in suits,
Architects and lawyers,
Shop keepers and construction workers
Rallying at Stonewall

Friday, June 24


Out of Tiffany’s Shadow, a Woman of Light

Her hands, once hidden by history,
Crafted cerulean dragon flies
Beating black filigree wings
Across iridescent oceans of glass

Her hands, once hidden by history,
Built dappled lavender wisteria vines, 
Blooming jewels

Her hands, once hidden by history,
Spun daffodils in vermillion and ocher,
Fluted and fluttering, incandescent

Her hands, once hidden by history
Transformed silica, soda and lime
Into sunlight and blossom

Thursday, June 23

Institute of Living

Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight

Fading scars, like ruby bangles dearly bought, ring your wrists
Now hallowed expert

Once hidden in the bowels of
Institute of Living

Heaving head against unyielding floor
Thrashing indifferent walls

Yet still seduced by suicide

Until, on knees bruised with bending,
Gold alighted the hospital chapel,
Deus ex machina,
Your deliverance

Sometimes, though,
Driving through brightly lit tunnels,
You’ll hear the siren’s song still,
Grip the wheel with palsied hands.

Tuesday, June 21


Mysteries of A Nazi Photo-Album

Tree stripped of branches,
A single black brush stroke.
Stone fortress fallen.
Bombed spires like broken filigree rise above
White crosses.

Prisoner wrapped in lumpen wool
Soldier in starched uniform
Share gaunt cheeks, unfathomable eyes

Monday, June 20

"Save Money. Live Better."

Justices Rule for Wal-Mart in Class-Action Bias Case

Groped in anonymous storerooms,
Earning $6.10 an hour,
Denied raises,
Mocked by yellow smiley faces,
Drowning until payday

Making jeans in El Salvador,
.15 cents a pair,
Surviving in shanties in Nicaragua,
Sleeping 12 to a room in China,
Sweltering in sweatshops in Saipan

You come each week to fill your cart
Save money. Live better.

Sunday, June 19


I remember
Blue eyes, squinted in laughter
Lined forehead, furrowed too young

I remember
Shiny gash on leg
Long scar across stomach

I remember
Convertibles blaring oldies
Ball games on the radio
Backyard and barbeques

I remember
Hospitals and waiting rooms
Chemotherapy, radiation

Eighteen years gone
I don’t remember enough

Saturday, June 18


adapted from  Murky truth behind Swiss suicide ‘clinic’ Dignitas

At the confluence of Acheron and Styx,
He of keen gaze  
Demands a coin
To ferry bodies to oblivion

Death is furtive in dirty rooms,
Personal effects fall under bug ridden beds

Blue lights of the ambulance
Cast watery glow on chop shops and brothels

Trash bags of cell phones, car keys, jewelry
Sifted through, pawned treasure

Shards of bone and bits of grit
Float in Lake Zurich
Scant remains of dignitas

Friday, June 17


Memory Implants Give Rats Sharper Recollection

Electrodes alight
Images hover hazily then snap to focus

Apples, swarming with bees, rot beneath a picket fence
Freed from Kodachrome,
Mother and father climb from forgotten photographs
Dusting off shoulders, straighening hair

Her waist, trim in terrycloth
His forehead unlined, though eyes already crease in the glint of afternoon sun

Electrodes alight
Summoning Good Humor trucks and sprinklers,
Fireflies and empty fields
Streets of half-built homes
Smelling of promise and saw dust.

Thursday, June 16


China in lead poisoning 'cover-up' - Human Rights Watch

Words explode
Meaning unravels
Letters dance and twirl,
Liberated from each other

Facts drift
Like clouds, aimlessly floating across sky
Learning, complex puzzle with misplaced pieces

Growth slowed
Childhood  suspended

In polluted villages
poisoned homes

Wednesday, June 15

Lost and Found

Relic of Saint Disappears From Its Case Inside Church

Patron Saint of Lost Objects

Golden artifact
Laced with angels
Gone for a joy ride in a beat up convertible
Smelling ocean air
Glad to be rid of burning votives

Free from the grotto
Finally found

Tuesday, June 14

Borrowing Limits

Share Your Story: Majoring in Debt

Jaws tight
Eyes unblinking
They clutch placards announcing student debt
With unsteady hands


Twenty one and drowning 
Phone ringing deep into the night
Working two jobs,
Small apartment, modest meals, diminished dreams

Diploma, a terrible encumbrance
Education, a brutal miscalculation

Monday, June 13

Ancient Art

With 1.2 Billion People, India Seeks a Good Hangman

Harvest  jute, hemp or sisal
Spin fiber to yarn
Braid with sure hands
Into scratchy rope

Fell trees of
Rosewood and teak
Cut into planks
To build a scaffold
For the gallows

One must perfect
The art of dying
To live

Sunday, June 12


Mysterious obelisk
Elusive ellipse
Shell and membrane
Microscopic moon
Pearled prayer

Saturday, June 11

"Blood will have Blood"

Being Ernest: John Walsh unravels the mystery behind Hemingway's suicide

You left behind a winding path of bloodied lions, wildebeests and kudus,
A bread crumb trail through forest, leading home

Bull-fighter, fisherman
Bearded and muscled

Haunted, perhaps, by weathered photographs
Of young Earnest in long white pinafore

Or of hiding in the wood shed from Father’s rage,
Clutching a rifle   

Courting death on safari,
In raging waves,
In fire and front lines

Spain, Italy, England, Key West
Scotch, tequila, martini, bourbon

Your own father’s suicide,
Double barreled shot-gun,
Demanded your own.

Friday, June 10

Ce n'est pas un poème

Smoke and mirrors: The surreal life and work of René Magritte

Lovers kiss,
Heads cloaked in cloth

Faces obscured by apples, birds, sky
World inhabited with slivers of moon, naked breasts, open umbrellas
Miniature steam engine
Surges from a brick fireplace

Man in desert sun,
Ribs replaced by caged mourning doves

Blokes in mackintoshes
Fall from the sky as rain

Human condition,
A bowler hat suspended in blue clouds

Thursday, June 9

Lost Warriors

Homeless Veterans Sue Over Neglected Campus

Living in a tent
Deep in the forest
In the company of ghosts

Wrapped in dirty wool
Sleeping on heating grate,
Hands cupped into an empty bowl

On park benches and midnight buses,
In shelters and under bridges,

Lying as if wounded,
Platoons of lost warriors
Longing to return home.

Wednesday, June 8

Ache and Arch

Putting to Rest Fears that IVF May Be Linked to Cancer

What strange seeds sprout within,
Black tendrils twisting?

What warp and weft
Knit into darkness?

What words must ache and arch
To tell your truth?

Tuesday, June 7

Congressman Weiner

Weiner Admits He Sent Lewd Photos

Cell phone images click
In quiet office

Photographs in frames behind my back
The only witnesses

In the sacred silence
Power overwhelms me

As I flex
For the camera


Monday, June 6


adapted from Watching the Murder of an Innocent Man

Attacked by his own
With punches, kicks, and club

Medicines, pelts and bones,
Thrown into the Sabi River

Holy objects sink in rushing waters,
Powers leeched by rock and rain

Like Prospero,
The n’anja abjures rough magic

But he misses
The smoke of burning sheep fat,
Catching evil spirits in their plumes;

Conjuring ancestors,
Seeking their truth;

Longs for lost root and bark,
Horn and herb

Sunday, June 5

30 Years Ago

As AIDS Turns 30, Scientists Reminisce

Skeletons line the sidewalk
Beautiful, wasted men
Bruises blossoming on thin arms

Young men with strange sarcoma
Speckling skin like berries or blood
Mystifying doctors
Local news thick with obituaries
Gristly, brutal deaths

Bathhouses are closing
Freedom, like steam, dissipating

Saturday, June 4


Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dies at 83; A Doctor Who Helped End Lives

Efficiency apartment
Salvation Army clothing
My love, death,
Intolerant of luxury

In modest homes
Or rustic campgrounds
Saline drips
Potassium chloride floods
Heart ceases
Then silence

Photograph their eyes
Capture the vacancy
Flat like fish

My own final moments
Kidneys failing
Imprisoned in hospital bed
Praying for mercy

Friday, June 3

Rebirth's Price

Nigeria: 32 Pregnant Teens Arrested in Baby-Trafficking Scheme

Belly swollen like
Egusi melon

He grows inside me
Swimming within,
Stealing my breath

At the sound of my voice,
He startles awake

He prefers plantain and cassava
Protests pepper soup
With small kicks

Soon he must leave me
I will cry and drink palm wine

With $25,000 naira
I’ll fly from this shanty town
To begin again

Thursday, June 2


Locked up for reading a poem

Poetry burst from your lips unbidden
Escaping through clenched teeth
Rising like dawn;
Like crocus in spring;
Like 5,000 fists,
Waving on the streets of Bahrain.

"We are the people who will kill humiliation and assassinate misery  We are the people who will destroy the foundation of injustice Don't you hear their cries, don't you hear their screams?”      
Ayat al-Gormezi, poet                                                                

Wednesday, June 1

Starter Home

Minneapolis Housing Market: Busted, again

Storybook cottage,
Homestead house
Built in 1900
Surrounded by plains

Cornfields and pasture burst  from earth
Soon eclipsed by miles of modest bungalows

Well tread parquet floors
Dining room walls kissed by crimson
Bedroom,  pale green of sage
Basement laced with wooden beams, smelling of mildew and time

Who's once strong hands planted
Your bleeding hearts and peony?
Lilac in lavender and white
Cranberry, a riot of soft pink blossom
Lilies of the valley sprouting by the rusty spigot

Another planted tall orange Tiger Lily near the creaky steps
Ornamental willow, like an over sized bonsai
Surrounded by bright yellow Blanket Flower.
Cottage yarrow, Russian Sage line the garden bed
Hens and Chicks pepper your flagstone path

I too left my mark
In dirt sewn by generations of owners:
Pink Echinacea, Black Eyed Susan
Conjure prairies of old,
Joe Pye Weed, tall man with stooped shoulders,
Guards the porch.
Morning Glory climbs weathered metal,
Hostas punctuate the deep shade.

Sweat and soil
Sunshine and snow
I remember
Cold winter wind stealing through thin windows,
your quiet corners,
The slant of sunlight in borrowed rooms.