Sunday, January 1


Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies
Shut your eyes
Tamp down your conscience
And vote.

Navigating shoals of Scylla and Caribdas.
Around the cave of Hypnos, on the Lethe,
Sailing past oblivion.

Remembering how we wept at your election,
How we danced and welcomed dawn

Yet your cluster bombs mow down Muslim children;
Black men snatched from your streets, locked in prison in an endless drug war;
Your citizens may now be assassinated
Or held indefinitely without trial;
Those who dare blow whistles will be locked away
Wealthy banks will receive corporate welfare
As your middle class works harder and harder for less

Your opponent will be demonized
He will cut education/ school lunches/ health care/ women’s rights/ religious freedom/tolerance
He will banish sun, uproot forests, silence laughter

Tribal drums will beat, and I will dance,
Shutting my eyes
Tamping down my conscience
And casting my vote.

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